Compare commits


No commits in common. "6510b748c2b91b10603a98aa16016ae66ec623fe" and "878c32cc16c69ca06d858ac9f5de1280efdb51eb" have entirely different histories.

10 changed files with 6 additions and 363 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Scripts
* []( => turn off screen using DPMS
* []( => dump all mysql databases (and send a report to the monitoring system)
* [html2rss.php]( => parse HTML and generate a RSS feed
* []( => download, compile and install FFMpeg & MPlayer
* []( => look for OPDS catalog updates and send a mail if any
* []( => display a random wallpaper
* [secupdate]( => apply security updates & recompile kernel (FreeBSD)
@ -40,12 +41,8 @@ Monitoring
* []( => update webcam info with xmms ouput
* [caminit]( => manage a very old webcam (Logitech Quickcam)
* [mkvig]( => little script to download covers
* []( => OVH/Kimsufi FreeBSD postinstall script
* [tssh]( => automaticaly rename Konsole tabs using ssh'ed hostname
* []( => download, compile and install FFMpeg & MPlayer
* []([html2rss.php]( => download HTML pages and generate RSS feeds from them
* []( => bootstrap script for fresh kimsufi/OVH servers
* []( => update webcam info with xmms ouput
* [caminit]( => manage a very old webcam (Logitech Quickcam)
* [mkvig]( => little script to download covers
* []( => OVH/Kimsufi FreeBSD postinstall script
* [tssh]( => automaticaly rename Konsole tabs using ssh'ed hostname

View File

@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -q
** html2rss.php - 13/07/02
* 20/10/04: ajout formats RSS 2.0 et Atom 0.3
* prend en paramètre un fichier de config,
* en fonction des paramètres, télécharge les news,
* les parse, puis écris les données dans les
* fichiers backends (en txt et rss 0.91)
* write2txt()
* écrit les $NbMde premères valeurs de $tableau, à savoir les
* champs link et title (voir fonction parse_html())
* dans le fichier $file, en ajoutant au besoin (si défini) la
* variable $bu correspondant à l'url de base ($baseurl dans le .ini)
* format: fichier de news au format texte
* %%
* titre
* url
* %%
* titre
* (...)
function write2txt($inifiledata,$tableau)
echo $tableau[0]["title"];
$totalnews = count($tableau);
if ($NbMax > $totalnews)
$NbMax = $totalnews;
$outputfile = "/var/www/website/backends/txt/$filename.txt";
if ($totalnews > 1)
$backend = fopen("$outputfile","w");
for($n = $offset+1 ; $n <= $NbMax+$offset ; $n++)
fwrite ($backend,"%%\n");
fwrite ($backend,$tableau[$n]["title"]."\n");
if (!strstr($tableau[$n]["link"],"http://"))
fwrite ($backend,$tableau[$n]["link"]."\n");
echo "$outputfile généré (".($n-1)." enregistrements).\n";
else echo "$outputfile non créé : nombre de news insuffisant ($totalnews)\n";
* write2rss091()
* écrit les $NbMaxde premères valeurs de $tableau, à savoir les
* champs link et title (voir fonction parse_html())
* dans le fichier $file, en ajoutant au besoin (si défini) la
* variable $bu correspondant à l'url de base ($baseurl dans le .ini)
* format: voir spécificications RSS 0.91:
function write2rss091($inifiledata,$tableau)
$entete = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"
<rss version=\"0.91\">
$outputfile = "/var/www/website/backends/xml/$filename.rss";
$totalnews = count($tableau);
if ($NbMax > $totalnews)
$NbMax = $totalnews;
if ($totalnews > 1)
$backend = fopen("$outputfile","w");
fwrite ($backend,$entete);
for($n = $offset+1 ; $n <= $NbMax+$offset ; $n++)
fwrite ($backend," <item>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <title>".$tableau[$n]["title"]."</title>\n");
if (!strstr($tableau[$n]["link"],"http://") && isset($baseurl))
fwrite ($backend," <link>".htmlentities($tableau[$n]["link"])."</link>\n");
fwrite ($backend," </item>\n\n");
fwrite ($backend," </channel>\n\n</rss>");
echo "$outputfile généré (".($n-1)." enregistrements).\n";
else echo "$outputfile non créé : nombre de news insuffisant ($totalnews)\n";
* write2rss()
* idem write2rss091, mais pour format 2.0 (!)
function write2rss($inifiledata,$tableau)
$entete = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
<rss version=\"2.0\">
<generator>WebLoom beta</generator>\n\n";
$outputfile = "/var/www/website/backends/xml/$filename.rss";
$totalnews = count($tableau);
if ($NbMax > $totalnews)
$NbMax = $totalnews;
if ($totalnews > 1)
$backend = fopen("$outputfile","w");
fwrite ($backend,$entete);
for($n = $offset+1 ; $n <= $NbMax+$offset ; $n++)
fwrite ($backend," <item>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <title>".$tableau[$n]["title"]."</title>\n");
if (!strstr($tableau[$n]["link"],"http://") && isset($baseurl))
fwrite ($backend," <link>".htmlentities($tableau[$n]["link"])."</link>\n");
fwrite ($backend," </item>\n\n");
fwrite ($backend," </channel>\n\n</rss>");
echo "$outputfile généré (".($n-1)." enregistrements).\n";
else echo "$outputfile non créé : nombre de news insuffisant ($totalnews)\n";
* write2atom()
* écrit les $NbMaxde premères valeurs de $tableau, à savoir les
* champs link et title (voir fonction parse_html())
* dans le fichier $file, en ajoutant au besoin (si défini) la
* variable $bu correspondant à l'url de base ($baseurl dans le .ini)
* format: voir le brouillon des spécificications Atom 0.3:
function write2atom($inifiledata,&$tableau)
$entete = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
<feed version=\"0.3\"
<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"$linksite\" />
<generator url=\"\" version=\"beta\">WebLoom</generator>
$outputfile = "/var/www/website/backends/atom/$filename.xml";
$totalnews = count($tableau);
if ($NbMax > $totalnews)
$NbMax = $totalnews;
if ($totalnews > 1)
$backend = fopen("$outputfile","w");
fwrite ($backend,$entete);
for($n = $offset+1 ; $n <= $NbMax+$offset ; $n++)
fwrite ($backend," <entry>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <title>".$tableau[$n]["title"]."</title>\n");
if (!strstr($tableau[$n]["link"],"http://") && isset($baseurl))
fwrite ($backend," <id>".htmlentities($tableau[$n]["link"])."</id>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".htmlentities($tableau[$n]["link"])."\" />\n");
fwrite ($backend," <summary>".$tableau[$n]["summary"]."</summary>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <modified>".date("c")."</modified>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <issued>".date("c")."</issued>\n");
fwrite ($backend," <author><name>".$tableau[$n]["author"]."</name></author>\n");
fwrite ($backend," </entry>\n\n");
fwrite ($backend,"</feed>");
echo "$outputfile généré (".($n-1)." enregistrements).\n";
else echo "$outputfile non créé : nombre de news insuffisant ($totalnews)\n";
if (!isset($NbMax) || $NbMax=="")
$NbMax = 10;
$inidata = compact('source','filename','titlesite','linksite','descriptionsite','languagesite','baseurl','grep','offset','NbMax');
$data = implode("",file($source));
// le nettoie
$data = strtr($data,"\n\0\r\t"," ");
/*$data = ereg_replace("&eacute;","é",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&ugrave;","ù",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&agrave;","à",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&egrave;","è",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&ecirc;","ê",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&icirc;","î",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&ocirc;","ô",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&iuml;;","ï",$data);
$data = ereg_replace("&amp;","&",$data);*/
$data = html_entity_decode($data);
$data = trim($data);
$index = 1;
foreach ($res as $elt)
if ($elt[1] != "" && $elt[2] != "")
$niouzes[$index]["link"] = $elt[1];
if (file_exists($baseurl.$elt[1]))
$dataitem = implode("",file($baseurl.$elt[1]));
$dataitem = strtr($dataitem,"\n\0\r"," ");
$dataitem = trim($dataitem);
if (isset($grepitemdate))
$niouzes[$index]["date"] = $resitem[0][1];
$niouzes[$index]["date"] = "unknown";
if (isset($grepitemsummary))
if (strlen(strip_tags($resitem[0][1])) > 200)
$niouzes[$index]["summary"] = substr(strip_tags($resitem[0][1]), 0, 200)."...";
$niouzes[$index]["summary"] = strip_tags($resitem[0][1]);
$niouzes[$index]["summary"] = "unknown";
if (isset($author))
$niouzes[$index]["author"] = $author;
else if (isset($grepitemauthor))
$niouzes[$index]["author"] = $resitem[0][1];
$niouzes[$index]["author"] = "unknown";
$niouzes[$index]["title"] = trim($elt[2]);
// écrit les données

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
echo "mykey">>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2
umount /servers/
#zpool create -f servers ada0s1e
zpool create -f servers ad4s1e
zfs create servers/ftp
zfs create servers/web
zfs create servers/mail
zfs create servers/db
zfs create servers/dns
#tar -C / -xvzf src.txz
#tar -C / -xvzf ports.txz
#cd /usr/ports/shells/zsh/ && make -DBATCH clean install
#cd /usr/ports/security/ipsec-tools/ && make -DBATCH clean install
#cd /usr/ports/editors/vim-lite/ && make -DBATCH clean install
#cd /usr/ports/sysutils/rdiff-backup/ && make -DBATCH clean install
#cd /usr/ports/sysutils/ezjail/ && make -DBATCH clean install
pkg_add -r zsh ipsec-tools rdiff-backup ezjail openvpn 3proxy
print OK
return OK

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
$source = "";
$filename = "yahooactu_monde";
$titlesite = "Yahoo! Actualités - Monde";
$linksite = "";
$descriptionsite = "Yahoo! actualités";
$languagesite = "fr";
$baseurl = "";
$grep = "|<b><a href=(.+?)>(.+?)</a></b>|";

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
for i in `ls -A /home/joe/conf/`
/usr/local/bin/html2rss.php $i

View File

View File