use OpenWeather API as source for (fixes )

This commit is contained in:
n 2022-02-26 17:05:12 +01:00
parent 6bebeb943e
commit 5dff343760
Signed by: n
GPG key ID: 510227DD6C502CE3
2 changed files with 8 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Monitoring
* []( => Nagios/Icinga check for Gemini capsule availability. Requires gnutls for now (not tested with other tls clients).
* []( => Check for a +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S-formated date in the last two lines of a file.
* [GonKyrellM]( => Conky, GKrellM style - with "invisible" theme (well, sort of)
* []( => get weather data from and feed collectd with it. needs jq as Dark Sky provides data in json format.
* []( => get weather data from and feed collectd with it. needs jq as OpenWeather provides data in json format.

View file

@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
# get $FILE using a cronjob (no more than 1000 requests per day for free - one every 5 minutes is fine) like
#curl "<your api key>/<latitude>,<longitude>?lang=<language>&units=si" -o $FILE -s
# get $FILE using a cronjob (no more than 1M requests per month/1 request per second for free - one every 5 minutes is fine) like
# curl "<latitude>&lon=<longitude>&units=metric&lang=<language>&appid=<your api key>" -o $FILE -s
while sleep "$INTERVAL"; do
for field in precipIntensity precipProbability temperature apparentTemperature dewPoint humidity pressure windSpeed windGust windBearing cloudCover uvIndex visibility ozone;do
echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/weather/gauge-${field} interval=$INTERVAL N:`jq .currently.${field} $FILE`" ;
for field in summary icon ;do
echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/weather/string-${field} interval=$INTERVAL N:`jq .currently.${field} $FILE`" ;
for field in main.temp main.feels_like main.pressure main.humidity wind.speed wind.gust clouds.all rain.\"1h\" rain.\"3h\" snow.\"1h\" snow.\"3h\" sys.sunrise sys.sunset visibility;do
key=`echo ${field} | sed 's/\./-/g' | sed 's/"//g'`
echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/weather/gauge-${key} interval=$INTERVAL N:`jq .${field} $FILE | sed s/null/0/g`" ;