2019-03-14 17:18:30 +01:00
# script used to chroot/pivot a live system on tmpfs in order to wipe it
# only tested with Debian 7.11
# first copy and execute it:
# scp pivotroot.sh root@<remote_host>:/tmp/
# ssh root@<remote_host> bash /tmp/pivotroot.sh
# you will then be able to connect again to it on port 666 (change it if you like) and do what you want
# note: bash is the default shell under debian so there will be bashisms (don't run it with Bourne shell)
apt-get install -y dropbear screen tmux
CHROOTDIR = '/tmp/tmproot'
mkdir ${ CHROOTDIR }
mount -t tmpfs none ${ CHROOTDIR }
mkdir ${ CHROOTDIR } /{ bin,sbin,proc,sys,dev,run,usr,var,tmp,etc,root,oldroot}
mkdir -p ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/bin
mkdir -p ${ CHROOTDIR } /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ${ CHROOTDIR } /lib64 ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/share ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ${ CHROOTDIR } /var/run/screen
mount -t proc proc ${ CHROOTDIR } /proc
mount --bind /dev ${ CHROOTDIR } /dev
mount --bind /dev/pts ${ CHROOTDIR } /dev/pts
mount --make-rprivate / # necessary for pivot_root to work
cp -vrp /usr/share/terminfo ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/share/
cp -vrp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libevent* ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
cp -vrp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* ${ CHROOTDIR } /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
cp -vrp /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ${ CHROOTDIR } /lib64/
cp -vrp /sbin/* ${ CHROOTDIR } /sbin/
cp -vrp /bin/* ${ CHROOTDIR } /bin/
cp -vrp /usr/bin/id /usr/bin/shred /usr/bin/ldd /usr/bin/screen /usr/bin/tmux ${ CHROOTDIR } /usr/bin/
cp -vrp /usr/sbin/dropbear ${ CHROOTDIR } /sbin/
#cp -vrp /etc/passwd* /etc/shadow* /etc/group* /etc/shells ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/
#cp -vrp /etc/dropbear ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/
cp -vrp /etc/* ${ CHROOTDIR } /etc/
chmod g+w ${ CHROOTDIR } /run
echo "" > ${ CHROOTDIR } /root/.bash_history
2023-08-10 21:47:21 +02:00
echo "TERM=xterm-16color" #necessary for tmux/screen to work
echo "alias halt=\"echo 'o' > /proc/sysrq-trigger\""
echo "alias reboot=\"echo 'b' > /proc/sysrq-trigger\""
} >> ${ CHROOTDIR } /root/.profile
2019-03-14 17:18:30 +01:00
pivot_root ${ CHROOTDIR } ${ CHROOTDIR } /oldroot
/sbin/dropbear -p ${ CHROOTPORT }
echo "system pivot-rooted."
2023-08-10 21:47:21 +02:00
echo " you can now connect with ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p ${ CHROOTPORT } root@ $( hostname) , launch screen/tmux and shred "
2019-03-14 17:18:30 +01:00
echo "and finaly use reboot or halt commands (warning: they are not the real thing...)"
echo "happy wiping!"