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<title>Menu page</title>
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas Brattli (
eXperience DHTML coolFrameMenus - Get it at
Version Beta 1.0
This script can be used freely as long as all copyright messages are
Visit for the latest version of the script.
Default browsercheck
function checkBrowser(){
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;
this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.ns5=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.opera=!(this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5) && this.dom || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5)
return this
var bw=new checkBrowser()
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="coolframe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body bgcolor="#C68484">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas Brattli (
eXperience DHTML coolFrameMenus - Get it at
Version Beta 1.0
This script can be used freely as long as all copyright messages are
Visit for the latest version of the script.
Main variables
mDebugging=1 //Set to 0 for NO Debugging, set to 1 for alert debugging and set to 2 for status.
oCFMenu=new coolFrameMenu('oCFMenu') //Making a new menu
oCFMenu.menuFrameName="frmMain" //The name of your "main" frame
oCFMenu.startPage="bienvenue.html" //The first page to appear in the main frame (it's important that this is loaded after the menu is created!)
oCFMenu.maxsubs=3 //The max number of subs you will have
oCFMenu.maxsubs2=2 //The max number of sub2s you will have
oCFMenu.maxsubs3=0 //The max number of sub2s you will have
// 0 = menu in left frame
// 1 = menu in right frame
// 2 = menu in top frame
// 3 = menu in bottom frame
//NOTE: If your using 1 or 3 and expect to have scrollbars remember to set the subXplacement and subYplacement to suit the scrollbars.
//I was going to add an automatic check of that, but then I would have had to add more code in the main pages (a onload function)
//And I didn't want to do that
oCFMenu.pagecheck=1 //This is a check that will keep the submenus from going to far out! Only for top and bottom frame
oCFMenu.mainheight="25" //The height of the main menuitems in pixel or %
oCFMenu.mainwidth="120" //The width of the main menuitems in pixel or %
oCFMenu.subwidth="180" // The width of the submenus
oCFMenu.subheight=25 //The height if the subitems in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub2width=oCFMenu.mainwidth // The width of the sub2menus in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub2height=oCFMenu.subheight // The height if the sub2items in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub3width=oCFMenu.mainwidth // The width of the sub3menus in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub3height=oCFMenu.subheight // The height if the sub3items in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.subXplacement=0 // Relative to the main item
oCFMenu.subYplacement=0 // Relative to the main item
oCFMenu.sub2Xplacement=100 // The X placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub item
oCFMenu.sub2Yplacement=5 // The Y placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub item
oCFMenu.sub3Xplacement=100 // The X placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub2 item
oCFMenu.sub3Yplacement=5 // The Y placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub2 item
oCFMenu.mainbgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the main menuitems
oCFMenu.mainbgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the main menuitems
oCFMenu.maintextcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.mainhovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.subbgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the sub menuitems
oCFMenu.subbgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the sub menuitems
oCFMenu.subtextcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.subhovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.sub2bgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub2bgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub2textcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.sub2hovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.sub3bgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub3bgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub3textcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.sub3hovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
//NOTE: The border immplemtation isn't prefect. The width and placement of elements have nothing
//to say here, so play with the fromtop, fromleft, subXplacement et cetera to get the desired effect.
//Styles for the top menus! - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.topstyle="font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:13px; padding:4;"
//Styles for the submenus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.substyle="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:12px"
//Styles for the sub2menus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.sub2style="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:12px"
//Styles for the sub3menus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.sub3style="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:11px"
oCFMenu.makeStyle() //Writes out the style for the top menus
oCFMenu.makeFrameString() //Makes the string for the main frame
//Placement of the menuitems 136
//Example in %:
//oCFMenu.menuplacement=new Array("0%","30%","45%","60%","75%","90%") //Remember to make the arrays contain as many values as you have main menuitems
//Example in px: (remember to use the ' ' around the numbers)
//oCFMenu.menuplacement=new Array(10,200,300,400,500,600,700)
//Example right beside eachother (only adding the pxbetween variable)
//If you use the "right beside eachother" you cant how many pixel there should be between each here
oCFMenu.pxbetween=0 //in pixel or %
//And you can set where it should start from the left here
oCFMenu.fromleft=0 //in pixel or %
//This is how much from the top the menu should be.
oCFMenu.fromtop=0 //in pixel or %
//Making a top element makeTop(TEXT,LINK,TARGET,WIDTH,FUNCTION)
//TEXT = the text that you want displayed inside the item
//LINK = The page you want the item to link to - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a link
//TARGET = The target for the link, set to _blank, frame_name, _top - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a target
//WIDTH = Here you can set an individual width for each top element. This is ONLY availble on the top elements
//FUNCTION = If you want some Javascript code to be executed when this item is clicked place it here
oCFMenu.makeTop('La gare d\'Avallon') //MAIN 1
//Making a sub element makeSub(TEXT,LINK,TARGET,FUNCTION)
//TEXT = the text that you want displayed inside the item
//LINK = The page you want the item to link to - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a link
//TARGET = The target for the link, set to _blank, frame_name, _top - Set to 0 or don't specify if you don't want a target
//FUNCTION = If you want some Javascript code to be executed when this item is clicked place it here
oCFMenu.makeSub('Son histoire','./histoire.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Mat<61>riel y ayant circul<75>','./materiel.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Les photos')
oCFMenu.makeSub2('Mod<6F>le r<>duit','./im_reduit.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeTop('Nos r<>alisations')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Construction d\'une BB2000','./BB2000.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Construction d\'une 242 TC','./242TC.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeTop('Nos projets')
oCFMenu.makeSub('R<>seau modulaire','./modules.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('A Propos du club','./leclub.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Page d\'acceuil','./bienvenue.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Liens utiles','./liens.html','frmMain')
//Leave these lines!
//Setting the bottom page. This have to be done so that we are sure that the menus are built
//before we load the bottom page. If the page was resized we want to load the same page back into the frameset
if(isresized>-1){ //Get PAGE
oCFMenu.startPage="http://" + searchtext.substr(isresized+11,searchtext.length)