203 lines
9.7 KiB
203 lines
9.7 KiB
<title>Menu page</title>
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas Brattli (www.bratta.com)
eXperience DHTML coolFrameMenus - Get it at www.bratta.com
Version Beta 1.0
This script can be used freely as long as all copyright messages are
Visit www.bratta.com/dhtml/scripts.asp for the latest version of the script.
Default browsercheck
function checkBrowser(){
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;
this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.ns5=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.opera=!(this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5) && this.dom
this.bw=(this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5)
return this
var bw=new checkBrowser()
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="coolframe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body bgcolor="#C68484">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas Brattli (www.bratta.com)
eXperience DHTML coolFrameMenus - Get it at www.bratta.com
Version Beta 1.0
This script can be used freely as long as all copyright messages are
Visit www.bratta.com/dhtml/scripts.asp for the latest version of the script.
Main variables
mDebugging=1 //Set to 0 for NO Debugging, set to 1 for alert debugging and set to 2 for status.
oCFMenu=new coolFrameMenu('oCFMenu') //Making a new menu
oCFMenu.menuFrameName="frmMain" //The name of your "main" frame
oCFMenu.startPage="bienvenue.html" //The first page to appear in the main frame (it's important that this is loaded after the menu is created!)
oCFMenu.maxsubs=3 //The max number of subs you will have
oCFMenu.maxsubs2=2 //The max number of sub2s you will have
oCFMenu.maxsubs3=0 //The max number of sub2s you will have
// 0 = menu in left frame
// 1 = menu in right frame
// 2 = menu in top frame
// 3 = menu in bottom frame
//NOTE: If your using 1 or 3 and expect to have scrollbars remember to set the subXplacement and subYplacement to suit the scrollbars.
//I was going to add an automatic check of that, but then I would have had to add more code in the main pages (a onload function)
//And I didn't want to do that
oCFMenu.pagecheck=1 //This is a check that will keep the submenus from going to far out! Only for top and bottom frame
oCFMenu.mainheight="25" //The height of the main menuitems in pixel or %
oCFMenu.mainwidth="120" //The width of the main menuitems in pixel or %
oCFMenu.subwidth="180" // The width of the submenus
oCFMenu.subheight=25 //The height if the subitems in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub2width=oCFMenu.mainwidth // The width of the sub2menus in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub2height=oCFMenu.subheight // The height if the sub2items in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub3width=oCFMenu.mainwidth // The width of the sub3menus in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.sub3height=oCFMenu.subheight // The height if the sub3items in pixel or % of the menu frame
oCFMenu.subXplacement=0 // Relative to the main item
oCFMenu.subYplacement=0 // Relative to the main item
oCFMenu.sub2Xplacement=100 // The X placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub item
oCFMenu.sub2Yplacement=5 // The Y placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub item
oCFMenu.sub3Xplacement=100 // The X placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub2 item
oCFMenu.sub3Yplacement=5 // The Y placement of the subsubmenus, relative to the sub2 item
oCFMenu.mainbgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the main menuitems
oCFMenu.mainbgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the main menuitems
oCFMenu.maintextcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.mainhovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.subbgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the sub menuitems
oCFMenu.subbgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the sub menuitems
oCFMenu.subtextcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.subhovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.sub2bgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub2bgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub2textcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.sub2hovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
oCFMenu.sub3bgcoloroff='#630000' //The backgroundcolor of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub3bgcoloron='#842121' //The backgroundcolor on mouseover of the subsub menuitems
oCFMenu.sub3textcolor="white" //The original text color
oCFMenu.sub3hovercolor="white" //The color the text should change to when mouseovered. NOTE: Doesn't work in NS4
//NOTE: The border immplemtation isn't prefect. The width and placement of elements have nothing
//to say here, so play with the fromtop, fromleft, subXplacement et cetera to get the desired effect.
//Styles for the top menus! - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.topstyle="font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:13px; padding:4;"
//Styles for the submenus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.substyle="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:12px"
//Styles for the sub2menus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.sub2style="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:12px"
//Styles for the sub3menus - Change the colors, padding and other styles in here!
oCFMenu.sub3style="padding:3px; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:11px"
oCFMenu.makeStyle() //Writes out the style for the top menus
oCFMenu.makeFrameString() //Makes the string for the main frame
//Placement of the menuitems 136
//Example in %:
//oCFMenu.menuplacement=new Array("0%","30%","45%","60%","75%","90%") //Remember to make the arrays contain as many values as you have main menuitems
//Example in px: (remember to use the ' ' around the numbers)
//oCFMenu.menuplacement=new Array(10,200,300,400,500,600,700)
//Example right beside eachother (only adding the pxbetween variable)
//If you use the "right beside eachother" you cant how many pixel there should be between each here
oCFMenu.pxbetween=0 //in pixel or %
//And you can set where it should start from the left here
oCFMenu.fromleft=0 //in pixel or %
//This is how much from the top the menu should be.
oCFMenu.fromtop=0 //in pixel or %
//Making a top element makeTop(TEXT,LINK,TARGET,WIDTH,FUNCTION)
//TEXT = the text that you want displayed inside the item
//LINK = The page you want the item to link to - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a link
//TARGET = The target for the link, set to _blank, frame_name, _top - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a target
//WIDTH = Here you can set an individual width for each top element. This is ONLY availble on the top elements
//FUNCTION = If you want some Javascript code to be executed when this item is clicked place it here
oCFMenu.makeTop('La gare d\'Avallon') //MAIN 1
//Making a sub element makeSub(TEXT,LINK,TARGET,FUNCTION)
//TEXT = the text that you want displayed inside the item
//LINK = The page you want the item to link to - Set to 0 or don't spesify if you don't want a link
//TARGET = The target for the link, set to _blank, frame_name, _top - Set to 0 or don't specify if you don't want a target
//FUNCTION = If you want some Javascript code to be executed when this item is clicked place it here
oCFMenu.makeSub('Son histoire','./histoire.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Mat<61>riel y ayant circul<75>','./materiel.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Les photos')
oCFMenu.makeSub2('Mod<6F>le r<>duit','./im_reduit.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeTop('Nos r<>alisations')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Construction d\'une BB2000','./BB2000.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Construction d\'une 242 TC','./242TC.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeTop('Nos projets')
oCFMenu.makeSub('R<>seau modulaire','./modules.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('A Propos du club','./leclub.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Page d\'acceuil','./bienvenue.html','frmMain')
oCFMenu.makeSub('Liens utiles','./liens.html','frmMain')
//Leave these lines!
//Setting the bottom page. This have to be done so that we are sure that the menus are built
//before we load the bottom page. If the page was resized we want to load the same page back into the frameset
if(isresized>-1){ //Get PAGE
oCFMenu.startPage="http://" + searchtext.substr(isresized+11,searchtext.length)