193 lines
5.7 KiB
193 lines
5.7 KiB
* shaargem
* This plugin provides gemini support
use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
use Shaarli\Plugin\PluginManager;
use Shaarli\Render\TemplatePage;
* In the footer hook, there is a working example of a translation extension for Shaarli.
* The extension must be attached to a new translation domain (i.e. NOT 'shaarli').
* Use case: any custom theme or non official plugin can use the translation system.
* See the documentation for more information.
const EXT_TRANSLATION_DOMAIN = 'shaargem';
* This is not necessary, but it's easier if you don't want Poedit to mix up your translations.
function shaargem_t($text, $nText = '', $nb = 1)
return t($text, $nText, $nb, EXT_TRANSLATION_DOMAIN);
* Initialization function.
* It will be called when the plugin is loaded.
* This function can be used to return a list of initialization errors.
* @param $conf ConfigManager instance.
* @return array List of errors (optional).
function shaargem_init($conf)
if (! $conf->exists('translation.extensions.shaargem')) {
// Custom translation with the domain 'shaargem'
$conf->set('translation.extensions.shaargem', 'plugins/shaargem/languages/');
//$errors[] = 'This a shaargem init error.';
return $errors;
* Hook render_editlink.
* Template placeholders:
* - field_plugin: add link fields after tags.
* @param array $data data passed to plugin
* @return array altered $data.
function hook_shaargem_render_editlink($data)
// fetch title only for gemini:// iris
if (isset($data['link']['url'])) {
if (strstr($data['link']['url'], "gemini://")) {
if ($data['link']['title'] == '') {
$data['link']['title'] = fetch_iri_title($data['link']['url']);
return $data;
* Hook savelink.
* Triggered when a link is save (new or edit).
* All new links now contain a 'stuff' value.
* @param array $data contains the new link data.
* @return array altered $data.
function hook_shaargem_save_link($data)
// ugly hack to get scheme
if (isset($_POST['lf_url'])) {
if (strstr($_POST['lf_url'], "gemini://")) {
$new_url = str_replace("http://", "gemini://", $data['url']);
$data['url'] = $new_url;
return $data;
* Hook render_linklist.
* Template placeholders:
* - action_plugin: next to 'private only' button.
* - plugin_start_zone: page start
* - plugin_end_zone: page end
* - link_plugin: icons below each links.
* Data:
* - _LOGGEDIN_: true/false
* @param array $data data passed to plugin
* @return array altered $data.
function hook_shaargem_render_linklist($data)
foreach ($data['links'] as &$value) {
$value['description'] = preg_replace(',gemini://([\d\w\.\+\-@\:%._\~#=/]+),', '<a href="gemini://\1">gemini://\1</a>', $value['description']);
return $data;
* This function is never called, but contains translation calls for GNU gettext extraction.
function shaargem_dummy_translation()
// meta
shaargem_t('Provides Gemini protocol support.');
* Find capsule's title
function fetch_iri_title($iri)
$ret = preg_match(",gemini://([\d\w\.\+\-@\:%._\~#=]+)/?,", $iri, $domain);
static $redirect_counter = 0;
if ($ret) {
$stream_context = stream_context_create([ 'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true,
'verify_depth' => 0 ]]);
$fp = stream_socket_client("tls://".$domain[1].":1965", $errno, $errstr, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $stream_context);
if (!$fp) {
error_log("[shaargem] $errstr ($errno)");
} else {
fwrite($fp, $iri."\r\n");
$header = fgets($fp);
$ret = preg_match(",^(\d\d) (.*)\r\n$,", $header, $headers);
$status = $headers[1];
$meta = $headers[2];
$max_redirects = 10;
error_log("[shaargem] status:".$status.", meta:".$meta);
// status 1x cannot be handled by shaarli, but input field can be used as title
if ($status[0] == 1) {
return $meta;
// status 2x ok
elseif ($status[0] == 2) {
$nblines = 1;
while ($line = fgets($fp)) {
$ret = preg_match(",# (.*),", $line, $title);
if ($title[0] or $nblines > 100) {
// status 3x redirect
elseif ($status[0] == 3 and $redirect_counter < $max_redirects) {
error_log("[shaargem] ".shaargem_t("Redirecting to")." ".$meta." (".$redirect_counter."/".$max_redirects.")");
$title[1] = fetch_iri_title($meta);
// 4x 5x 6x are error statuses, should find a better way to display that
elseif ($status[0] == 4) {
return shaargem_t('Error').' '.$status.' ('.shaargem_t('TEMPORARY FAILURE').'): '.$meta;
} elseif ($status[0] == 5) {
return shaargem_t('Error').' '.$status.' ('.shaargem_t('PERMANENT FAILURE').'): '.$meta;
} elseif ($status[0] == 6) {
return shaargem_t('Error').' '.$status.' ('.shaargem_t('CLIENT CERTIFICATE REQUIRED').'): '.$meta;
} else {
return shaargem_t('Invalid response').': '.$header;
return $title[1];