import QtQml 2.0 import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0 QtObject { /** * This function is called before the markdown html of a note is generated * * It allows you to modify what is passed to the markdown to html converter * * The method can for example be used in multiple scripts to render code (like LaTeX math or mermaid) * to its graphical representation for the preview * * The note will not be changed in this process * * @param {NoteApi} note - the note object * @param {string} markdown - the markdown that is about to being converted to html * @param {string} forExport - true if the html is used for an export, false for the preview * @return {string} the modified markdown or an empty string if nothing should be modified */ function preNoteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, markdown, forExport) { var re = /```mermaid\n([\s\S]*?)\n```/gim; markdown = markdown.replace(re, function(_, diag){ var encodedData = Qt.btoa(diag); var ink = '![](' + encodedData + '?bgColor=!201F1F)'; return ink; }); return markdown; } }