Some links (in no particular order) |
VaBoofer, a gastronomic wiki [fr] [fr]
IP Over Time [fr]
Le parti blanc [fr]
RG & CNIL [fr]
dA oFFiCiAL c0wb0yZ aN' TroUs dU cUL hOm3 pAgE [fr]
Some good stories [fr], like L'histoire des pingouins and Le Cycle de Tar. You guessed it, it's in French.
Official site of GOTO++ (the most powerful language in the world)
Cybercontrôle fiscal [fr]
Press Play On Tape, the «C64 revival band» website
L'an 2000 me les brise (l'an 2001 aussi) [fr] via WebArchive, since this text is no more available on the author's website