Here I introduce my cat, a gorgeous male (well, without his balls, the poor little fellow), of european breed (not pure breed, in fact he has an "alley cat" look, with grey and black stripes). There's also some pictures.
His name is Réglisse (French word wich mean liquorice), but he had no name for a long time, and since I lack imagination, I created a special website to find him a name.
To make a long story short, he's very caressing and nice, but he doesn't feel his strengh. He also has huge claws and teeth, wich have a bloody result on myself. Ouch!!!
For any suggestion, bug report, good or bad mood, or any other reason, go ahead, write us:
Well, that's MY adress, not the cat's one! If you have a very personnal message for Réglisse, put "confidential-for the cat" in the mail's subject, I swear to give him without reading it ;-))
If the cat's pictures are not enough for you (don't tell him, he's a rude boy ;-) you can/must see others cats' webpages or sites.