{if ($logged_in)} {include file='header.tpl'}
{t escape=no userurl=$this_user->getURL() statsurl=$this_user->getURL('stats')} Go to your profile or view your listening statistics. {/t}
Share your listening habits from your phone, computer or tablet, and find similiar artists.
All the music on Libre.fm is freely licensed for you to stream, download and remix.
The Libre.fm community is a mixture of music superfans and artists, where artists can share their music for everyone to enjoy.
You can listen to a selection of the Libre.fm community's favourite tracks on our Community Station. It's made up out of a random selection of all the tracks that Libre.fm users have said they loved.
We believe we represent a good deal for artists: we only promote artists who choose to share their music with the world.
In return, we allow artists to put up payment buttons and links to social sites and their newsletter. We automatically pull in notices from services such as Twitter and GNU social too.
Are you an artist? Sign up now to start sharing your music with our listeners!
{include file='footer.tpl'}