{include file='header.tpl' subheader='user-header.tpl' showbio=true}

Edit your profile

Connections to other services

Get an artist account

{if isset($errors)}
{section loop=$errors name=error}



{t}Enter your name here, if you want to.{/t}

{t}Where do you live?{/t}


{t}Location check{/t}
{t escape=no}This feature looks up your location on geonames. You don't need to do it, but it will allow us find your latitude and longitude so we can add some great location-based features in the future.{/t}
{t}Avatar address{/t}
{t site=$site_name escape=no}The web address for a picture to represent you on %1. It should not be more than 80x80 pixels. (64x64 is best.) If you leave this empty, we'll use Gravatar to find an image for you.{/t}
{t escape=no}An address that represents you in RDF. See WebID for details. If you don't know what this is, it's best to leave it blank.{/t}
GNU social Profile
{t escape=no}The address for your micro-blog on a GNU social-powered site such as freesocial.org.{/t}
RSS Feed
{t site=$site_name escape=no}An RSS feed which will be used to populate your journal on %1. Defaults to your StatusNet RSS feed if you provide your StatusNet micro-blog address.{/t}
Receive E-mails
{t escape=no}From time to time we send out e-mails about all the cool new stuff we're getting up to. If you'd rather not hear about these things then simply untick this box.{/t}
{include file='footer.tpl'}