{include file='header.tpl' subheader='user-header.tpl'}

{t}Edit your profile{/t} | {t}Connections to other services{/t}

{if isset($errors)}
{section loop=$errors name=error}


{if $connection_added}
{t}Your new connection has been successfully added!{/t}

{t}Current connections{/t}

{if empty($connections)}

{t}You don't currently have any connections configured.{/t}

{else} {foreach from=$connections item=conn} {/foreach}
{t}Service{/t}{t}Username{/t}{t}Forward Scrobbles?{/t}
{if $conn.webservice_url == 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/'}Last.fm{else}{$conn.webservice_url}{/if} {$conn.remote_username} {if $conn.forward == 1}{t}Yes{/t}{else}{t}No{/t}{/if}

{t}Connections to other services allow us to do nifty things like forwarding your scrobbles to other places around the web.{/t}
{t}If that sounds cool then simply make a connection below.{/t}

{t}Add a connection{/t}

{if isset($lastfm_key)} {t}Connect to a Last.fm account{/t}

{/if} {if isset($gnufm_key)}
{include file='footer.tpl'}