{if isset($activated)} {$nosidebar=true} {include file='header.tpl'}

{t}You're in!{/t}

{t escape=no}Your account has been activated! You may now login!{/t}


{include file='footer.tpl'} {elseif isset($registered)} {$nosidebar=true} {include file='header.tpl'}

{t}Go! Go! Go! Check your email now{/t}

{t}Please follow the link in your email to activate your account!{/t}

{include file='footer.tpl'} {else} {include file='mini-header.tpl'}

Sign up for a free account

{if isset($errors)}


{/if} {include file='register-form.tpl'}

{t}We won't sell, swap or give away your email address. You can optionally include personal data on your profile, which is displayed publicly.{/t}

{include file='mini-footer.tpl'} {/if}