{* ------------------ albumlist.tpl ------------------ Dynamic smarty template intended to be used on any page with a list of albums. @param array items Array of albums ((artist, album, streamable, image, artistlibraryurl, albumlibraryurl, artisturl, albumurl, tagged, tag, freq) .. ) @param string class Additional CSS table classes @param bool thead Show table header @param bool fstream Show streamable field, used by $i.streamable @param bool fartist Show artist in name field, used by $i.artist @param bool fimage Show image field, used by $i.image @param bool fbutton Show button field, used by button if page is owned by user @param bool fcount Show count field, used by $i.freq) @param string url_sort_name URL string to toggle sort order by name @param string url_sort_count URL string to toggle sort order by count @param string type Type of list, 'tagged' (used to show correct button) *} {if $thead} {if $fstream} {/if} {if $fimage} {/if} {if $fbutton} {/if} {if $fcount} {/if} {/if} {foreach from=$items item=i} {if $fstream} {if $i.streamable} {else} {/if} {/if} {if $fimage && $i.image} {elseif $fimage} {/if} {if $fbutton} {/if} {if $fcount} {/if} {if $ftime} {/if} {/foreach}
[ Album Image ] {if $i.albumlibraryurl} {$i.album} {else} {$i.album} {/if} {if $fartist} by {if $i.artistlibraryurl} {$i.artist} {else} {$i.artist} {/if} {/if} {if $page->ownedbyme} {if $type == 'tagged'}
{/if} {/if}