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2015-09-15 22:17:13 +02:00
{* ------------------
Dynamic smarty template intended to be used on any page with a list of albums.
@param array items Array of albums ((artist, album, streamable, image, artistlibraryurl, albumlibraryurl, artisturl, albumurl, tagged, tag, freq) .. )
@param string class Additional CSS table classes
@param bool thead Show table header
@param bool fstream Show streamable field, used by $i.streamable
@param bool fartist Show artist in name field, used by $i.artist
@param bool fimage Show image field, used by $i.image
@param bool fbutton Show button field, used by button if page is owned by user
@param bool fcount Show count field, used by $i.freq)
@param string url_sort_name URL string to toggle sort order by name
@param string url_sort_count URL string to toggle sort order by count
@param string type Type of list, 'tagged' (used to show correct button)
<table class="{$class} albumlist">
{if $thead}
{if $fstream}
<th class="icon"></th>
{if $fimage}
<th class="title">Title</th>
{if $fbutton}
<th class="buttons"></th>
{if $fcount}
<th class="count">Plays</th>
{foreach from=$items item=i}
{if $fstream}
{if $i.streamable}
<td class="icon" title="Album has streamable tracks">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-music"></span>
<td class="icon">
{if $fimage && $i.image}
<td class="image"><img src="{$i.image}" alt="[ Album Image ]"/></td>
{elseif $fimage}
<td class="image"></td>
<td class="name">
{if $i.albumlibraryurl}
<a href="{$i.albumlibraryurl|escape:'html'}">{$i.album}</a>
<a href="{$i.albumurl|escape:'html'}">{$i.album}</a>
{if $fartist} by
{if $i.artistlibraryurl}
<a href="{$i.artistlibraryurl|escape:'html'}">{$i.artist}</a>
<a href="{$i.artisturl|escape:'html'}">{$i.artist}</a>
{if $fbutton}
<td class="buttons">
{if $page->ownedbyme}
{if $type == 'tagged'}
<form method='post' action=''><input type=hidden name='removeartist' value="{$i.artist}" /><input type=hidden name='removealbum' value="{$i.album}" /><input type=hidden name='removetag' value="{$i.tag}" /><button name='albumremovetag' type='submit'>remove</button></form>
{if $fcount}
<td class="count"><span>{$i.freq}</span></td>
{if $ftime}
<td class="time"><span>{$i.timehuman}</span></td>