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2015-09-15 22:17:13 +02:00
{include file='header.tpl' subheader='user-header.tpl'}
<h2>Library</h2> {include file='submenu.tpl' submenu=$page->menu}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-2">
<img class="img-responsive margin-top" src="{$page->artist_image}"
alt="[ Artist Photo ]"/>
<div class="col-sm-10">
{if $page->artist->homepage}
<a href="{$page->artist->homepage}">
<p><a href="{$page->artist_url}">Go to artist page</a></p>
<p class="margin-top">
<a href="{$page->section_url|escape:'html'}">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left">
Show all Artists
{if $page->albums}
<h4>Albums by this artist</h4>
{include file='albumlist.tpl' class=#librarytable# items=$page->albums thead=true fimage=true fcount=true fstream=true}
{if $page->tracks}
<h4>Tracks by this artist</h4>
{include file='tracklist.tpl' class=#librarytable# items=$page->tracks thead=true fstream=true flove=true ftag=true fcount=true}
{include file='footer.tpl'}