<?php /** * template functions for dokubook template * * @license: GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author: Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ // must be run within DokuWiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_LF')) define('DOKU_LF', "\n"); // load language files #require_once(DOKU_TPLINC.'lang/en/lang.php'); #if(@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/lang.php')) { # require_once(DOKU_TPLINC.'lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/lang.php'); #} /** * checks if a file called logo.png or logo.jpg exists * and uses it as logo, uses the dokuwiki logo by default * * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function tpl_logo() { global $conf; $out = ''; switch(true) { case(@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'images/logo.jpg')): $logo = DOKU_TPL.'images/logo.jpg'; break; case(@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'images/logo.jpeg')): $logo = DOKU_TPL.'images/logo.jpeg'; break; case(@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'images/logo.png')): $logo = DOKU_TPL.'images/logo.png'; break; default: $logo = DOKU_TPL.'images/dokuwiki-128.png'; break; } $out .= '<a href="' . DOKU_BASE . '" name="dokuwiki__top" id="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[ALT+H]">'; $out .= ' <img class="logo" src="' . $logo . '" alt="' . $conf['title'] . '" /></a>' . DOKU_LF; print ($out); } /** * generates the sidebar contents * * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function tpl_sidebar() { global $lang; global $ID; global $INFO; $svID = cleanID($ID); $navpn = tpl_getConf('sb_pagename'); $path = explode(':',$svID); $found = false; $sb = ''; if(tpl_getConf('closedwiki') && empty($INFO['userinfo'])) { print '<span class="sb_label">' . $lang['toolbox'] . '</span>' . DOKU_LF; print '<div id="toolbox" class="sidebar_box">' . DOKU_LF; tpl_actionlink('login'); print '</div>' . DOKU_LF; return; } // main navigation print '<span class="sb_label">' . $lang['navigation'] . '</span>' . DOKU_LF; print '<div id="navigation" class="sidebar_box">' . DOKU_LF; while(!$found && count($path) > 0) { $sb = implode(':', $path) . ':' . $navpn; $found = @file_exists(wikiFN($sb)); array_pop($path); } if(!$found && @file_exists(wikiFN($navpn))) $sb = $navpn; if(@file_exists(wikiFN($sb)) && auth_quickaclcheck($sb) >= AUTH_READ) { print p_dokubook_xhtml($sb); } else { print p_index_xhtml(cleanID($svID)); } print '</div>' . DOKU_LF; // generate the searchbox print '<span class="sb_label">' . strtolower($lang['btn_search']) . '</span>' . DOKU_LF; print '<div id="search">' . DOKU_LF; tpl_searchform(); print '</div>' . DOKU_LF; // generate the toolbox print '<span class="sb_label">' . $lang['toolbox'] . '</span>' . DOKU_LF; print '<div id="toolbox" class="sidebar_box">' . DOKU_LF; tpl_actionlink('admin'); tpl_actionlink('index'); tpl_actionlink('recent'); tpl_actionlink('backlink'); tpl_actionlink('profile'); tpl_actionlink('login'); print '</div>' . DOKU_LF; // restore ID just in case $Id = $svID; } /** * prints a custom page footer * * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function tpl_footer() { global $ID; $svID = $ID; $ftpn = tpl_getConf('ft_pagename'); $path = explode(':',$svID); $found = false; $ft = ''; while(!$found && count($path) > 0) { $ft = implode(':', $path) . ':' . $ftpn; $found = @file_exists(wikiFN($ft)); array_pop($path); } if(!$found && @file_exists(wikiFN($ftpn))) $ft = $ftpn; if(@file_exists(wikiFN($ft)) && auth_quickaclcheck($ft) >= AUTH_READ) { print '<div id="footer">' . DOKU_LF; print p_dokubook_xhtml($ft); print '</div>' . DOKU_LF; } // restore ID just in case $ID = $svID; } /** * removes the TOC of the sidebar-pages and shows * a edit-button if user has enough rights * * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function p_dokubook_xhtml($wp) { $data = p_wiki_xhtml($wp,'',false); if(auth_quickaclcheck($wp) >= AUTH_EDIT) { $data .= '<div class="secedit">' . html_btn('secedit',$wp,'',array('do'=>'edit','rev'=>'','post')) . '</div>'; } // strip TOC $data = preg_replace('/<div class="toc">.*?(<\/div>\n<\/div>)/s', '', $data); // replace headline ids for XHTML compliance $data = preg_replace('/(<h.*?><a.*?id=")(.*?)(">.*?<\/a><\/h.*?>)/','\1sb_\2\3', $data); return ($data); } /** * Renders the Index * * copy of html_index located in /inc/html.php * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function p_index_xhtml($ns) { require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); global $conf; global $ID; $dir = $conf['datadir']; $ns = cleanID($ns); #fixme use appropriate function if(empty($ns)){ $ns = dirname(str_replace(':','/',$ID)); if($ns == '.') $ns =''; } $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns)); // only extract headline preg_match('/<h1>.*?<\/h1>/', p_locale_xhtml('index'), $match); print $match[0]; $data = array(); search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_index',array('ns' => $ns)); print html_buildlist($data,'idx','_html_list_index','html_li_index'); } /** * Index item formatter * * User function for html_buildlist() * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de> */ function _html_list_index($item){ global $ID; global $conf; $ret = ''; $base = ':'.$item['id']; $base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1); if($item['type']=='d'){ if(@file_exists(wikiFN($item['id'].':'.$conf['start']))) { $ret .= '<a href="'.wl($item['id'].':'.$conf['start']).'" class="idx_dir">'; $ret .= $base; $ret .= '</a>'; } else { $ret .= '<a href="'.wl($ID,'idx='.$item['id']).'" class="idx_dir">'; $ret .= $base; $ret .= '</a>'; } }else{ $ret .= html_wikilink(':'.$item['id']); } return $ret; }